Summer Reading: 4 Leaders’ “a-ha!” Moments

Apologies for the brief hiatus, but that’s what knee surgery does to you I guess (don’t worry I’m fine, all the fault of playing soccer for fun). Regardless, here is another article for your summer reading pleasure! This one is more tailored towards the workplace, but is still applicable to everyone’s leadership growth. And before you stop reading in the middle, these points are applicable to EVERYONE, not just females!

Article Here
I really enjoyed this article because it was something I needed to hear, both for my personal leadership and for being less intimidated of my leadership.

It’s okay, if not better, to show your flaws to your co-workers sometimes. I think that was so important for me to feel comfortable with my last leader, a powerful female who I thought could do no wrong. I was intimidated just because she was awesome, which is no way to be! Once she became slightly vulnerable and shared some of her past with me and was able to relate to the issues I was going through, it helped me immensely as one of her team members.

Asking for help is not weak, male or female! Even if it’s not going directly to your boss at first, I feel it is so helpful to bounce ideas off of teammates, that’s how you come up with your best ideas sometimes! It could save you hours of work too, just by asking the right person. And if you have too much on your plate? Better to admit it than struggle through too much (something I’m still learning).

Another thing I’ve learned in my year in the real world is that it’s okay to be wrong. You get another chance. You have so many people around you and supporting you that nothing you do will be devastatingly wrong. People are forgiving and give second chances, don’t think you have to be perfect! You learn from your mistakes, and I am a firm believer of that.

And lastly, something I even brought up today in an interview for a project management position. A good leader needs to be able to motivate his or her team in order to get everyone working their best towards the common goal. This ties in to servant leadership, too! Serving while leading and being an active participant in the work will always help get your team on your side!

Hope you enjoy this quick summer reading, and I’ll be keeping my eye out for the next pick! If you have any good reads, feel free to share them, and they could be featured here!

Yours truly in Leadership, Friendship, and Service, Danielle 🙂

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